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moname — get information about names from the Moera naming server


moname [--dev | --server SERVER] [--created] [--keys | --all-keys] [--similar] [--at AT] <name>
moname --list [--dev | --server SERVER] [--created] [--at AT] [--newer NEWER] [<name>]
moname --add [--dev | --server SERVER] <name> <uri>
moname --update [--dev | --server SERVER] [--uri URI] [--signing-key] [--updating-key] <name>
moname --help
moname --version

Node Names

The names are given in the form <name>_<generation> (for example lamed_0), where <name> is the name itself and <generation> is the number that differentiate between usages of the same name — for example, different social networks. If the generation is missing, generation 0 is used by default.


-h, --help

Get the list of all available options, their meaning and their short and long forms.

-V, --version

Show the program’s version number and exit.

Query a name


Check a name and get a corresponding node URL.

$ moname lamed
lamed_0	https://lamed.moera.blog/moera
-c, --created

See the creation date/time of the name.

$ moname -c lamed
2019-12-17 02:13:26 lamed_0	https://lamed.moera.blog/moera
-d, --dev
-s SERVER, --server SERVER

Use the development naming server or any other naming server.

$ moname -d balu-dev
$ moname -s http://localhost.localdomain:8081/moera-naming balu-dev
-S, --similar

Try to find a similar name if the provided one is not found.

$ moname -S Lamed
lamed_0	https://lamed.moera.blog/moera
-k, --keys

See the detailed information about the name, including the keys.

$ moname -k moera-blog
name         : moera-blog
generation   : 0
node URI     : https://blog.moera.org/moera
digest       : b42b9ba69e7e58bba1c2606bafb86eaac8683c6bc3784a3bf20e59c9f8ce2a0e
updating key : 1894f11410389a0dc0d37a5b3f8f9b993e5e8da61f38d818cce4f662d1d5ad47
created      : 2019-09-22 02:49:15
signing key  : 3d6dd81295985291c4727fdbcbacba3349f18876578d633dbff1956364269cab
valid from   : 2020-08-28 03:22:09
-t AT, --at AT

See the information valid at some moment in the past.

$ moname -k -t '2019-10-09' moera-blog
name         : moera-blog
generation   : 0
node URI     : https://blog.moera.org/moera
digest       : b42b9ba69e7e58bba1c2606bafb86eaac8683c6bc3784a3bf20e59c9f8ce2a0e
updating key : 1894f11410389a0dc0d37a5b3f8f9b993e5e8da61f38d818cce4f662d1d5ad47
created      : 2019-09-22 02:49:15
signing key  : d2b7f5a2c7578c1ed6a9048f5f9efdd98e7d1955769a926d26bf3210668992a3
valid from   : 2019-09-22 03:48:18
-K, --all-keys

See the whole history of the keys.

$ moname -K moera-blog
name         : moera-blog
generation   : 0
node URI     : https://blog.moera.org/moera
digest       : b42b9ba69e7e58bba1c2606bafb86eaac8683c6bc3784a3bf20e59c9f8ce2a0e
updating key : 1894f11410389a0dc0d37a5b3f8f9b993e5e8da61f38d818cce4f662d1d5ad47
created      : 2019-09-22 02:49:15
signing key  : 3d6dd81295985291c4727fdbcbacba3349f18876578d633dbff1956364269cab
valid from   : 2020-08-28 03:22:09
signing key  : d2b7f5a2c7578c1ed6a9048f5f9efdd98e7d1955769a926d26bf3210668992a3
valid from   : 2019-09-22 03:48:18

List names

-l, --list

Get a list of all names registered on the server (it may be huge!).

$ moname -l|head
4ap-4aps_0	https://4ap-4aps.moera.blog/moera
abrasha_0	https://abrasha.moera.blog/moera
abu-chucha_0	https://abu-chucha.moera.blog/moera
achernitsky_0	https://achernitsky.moera.blog/moera
a-dev_0	http://a-dev.localhost.localdomain:8082/moera
Aelita_0	https://aelita.moera.blog/moera
Agropoliv_0	https://agropoliv.moera.blog/moera
Akeon_0	https://akeon.moera.blog/moera
akog_0	https://akog.moera.blog/moera
akovalenko_0	https://akovalenko.moera.blog/moera
-t AT, --at AT

Get the list as it was at some moment in the past.

$ moname -l -t '2019-12-01'
alice-dev_0	http://alice.localhost.localdomain:8082/moera
balu-dev_0	http://balu.localhost.localdomain:8082/moera
moera-blog_0	https://blog.moera.org/moera
-w NEWER, --newer NEWER

Get the list of names registered recently.

$ moname -l -w '2023-08-04'
achernitsky_0	https://achernitsky.moera.blog/moera
Amitaykrichevsky_0	https://amitaykrichevsky.moera.blog/moera
IrinaVulf_0	https://irinavulf.moera.blog/moera
mendel_0	https://mendel.moera.blog/moera
thickstone_0	https://thickstone.moera.blog/moera
Леямеламуд_0	https://leyamelamud.moera.blog/moera
Олексій_0	https://alexeyvk.moera.blog/moera

Add a name

-a, --add <name> <uri>

Add a new name to the naming server and set its node URI to <uri>. The updating and signing keys are generated automatically.

$ moname -da moname-sample https://moname.moera.social/moera
Request sent, waiting for the operation to complete...
Secret words:
 1. sauce
 2. ordinary
 3. force
 4. mix
 5. meadow
 6. hockey
 7. cook
 8. maple
 9. swear
10. dinner
11. hint
12. settle
13. wheat
14. fabric
15. sleep
16. memory
17. radio
18. collect
19. much
20. eager
21. adult
22. bleak
23. cash
24. innocent

Signing key: af0eee5798fabc78332d945ab0b001ad60409c1343ed34edf927d1b0d1cdb498

Update a name

-u, --update <name>

Update the given name on the naming server. Without any other options, this command does not change anything (can be used to verify the secret words). The secret words should be passed to the standard input. It is allowed to pass them exactly how they are printed, with each word prepended with its number. These numbers are ignored.

-U, --uri URI

Set a new node URI.

-g, --signing-key

Generate a new signing key.

-G, --updating-key

Generate a new updating key.