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These are special Moera HTTP headers. Read more about them in the Architecture Overview section.


X-Moera: [root={root}] [page={page}] [name={name}]

This header is sent by a website in HTTP response. It signals that the website supports Moera REST API and the current page corresponds to the Moera virtual page {page}. If page is not set, the current page itself is considered to be a virtual page.

If root is set, it points to the Moera root of the website (matches the website root by default). Virtual pages are located under /moera subdirectory of the Moera root, the REST API endpoint is located at /moera/api.

If name is set, it defines the name of the node. Knowing the node name earlier allows the client to start using REST API without making /whoami request first. However, the client should not trust the node that the name belongs to it. The client should verify the name through a naming server as soon as possible.

Since the name may contain non-ASCII characters and special symbols, it is URL-encoded.

X-Accept-Moera: {version}

This header is sent by the client in HTTP request. It signals that the client supports Moera REST API of the given version. Currently only version 1.0 is defined.

Node that usually redirects all non-API requests to a web client should disable this behavior when receives this header.


X-Moera-Auth: [root-admin={true or false}] [admin-scope={comma-separated list}] [auth-scope={comma-separated list}] [client-name={name}] [owner={true or false}] [remote-address={IP address}] [user-agent={browser name}] [user-agent-os={OS name}] [node-id={ID}] [node-name={node name}] [domain-name={domain name}]

This header is sent by the node to a plugin when forwarding a user request to it. All fields have the same meaning as corresponding fields of PluginContext structure.

X-Moera-Origin: {url}

This header is sent by the node to a plugin when forwarding a user request to it. It contains the full URL of the user request.