Logo Decentralized Social Network

Virtual Pages

These are standard virtual pages supported by Moera nodes. Read more about virtual pages in the Architecture Overview section.

Virtual pages are located under /moera subdirectory of the Moera root of the website (matches the website root by default, may be changed by X-Moera header).


Node API specification in OpenAPI format.


Web interface for executing node API requests.


(for sheriffs only) Complaints management interface.


(for sheriffs only) Management interface for a particular group of complaints, related to the same posting or comment.


Post composer. If id is not provided, the composer is opened for creating a new post; otherwise it is opened for editing the post with the given ID.


Post composer opened for creating a new post, with a draft loaded. ID of the draft is passed in the draft parameter.

/media/private/{id}.{extension}?width={number}&download={true or false}

Private media file. The {extension} does not affect the result.

The optional width parameter is the preferred width of the media in pixels. The node will try to return the smallest in size, but the best in quality variant of the media, according to the width provided.

If the download parameter is present and set to true, the node will add Content-Disposition: attachment header to the output.

/media/public/{id}.{extension}?width={number}&download={true or false}

Public media file. The <extension> does not affect the result.

The optional width parameter is the preferred width of the media in pixels. The node will try to return the smallest in size, but the best in quality variant of the media, according to the width provided.

If the download parameter is present and set to true, the node will add Content-Disposition: attachment header to the output.


Newsfeed — publications from the nodes this node is subscribed to in reverse chronological order.


Newsfeed, positioned at about the given moment.


Information related to other nodes.


Information about subscribers of this node.


Information about subscriptions of this node.


Information about nodes that added this node to their friends.


Information about nodes blocked by this node.


Information about nodes that blocked this node.


Information about friends of this node that are members of the group of friends with the given ID.


Detailed view of the post with the given ID.


View of the comment with the given ID to the given post.


View of the media with the given ID attached to the given post.


View of the media with the given ID attached to the given comment to the given post.


Profile — the detailed information about the node’s owner, node’s purpose etc.


Profile in editing mode.


Settings page.


Settings page with the given tab open (one of node or client).


Timeline - all publications in reverse chronological order.


Timeline, positioned at about the given moment.