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Nodes can receive notifications about certain events from naming servers and other nodes. Notifications are sent through the REST API of the receiving node. See Architecture Overview for the detailed description of notifications, their purpose and sending mechanism.

Notification packet

Notifications are sent in packets. The packet structure is described in Node API documentation. Each packet contains the type field, containing the type of the notification and notification field, containing the notification details in JSON form. The notification structure depends on the type. See the description below.


A remote node asks this node for something.

Type Field Comment
String subject request subject (see AskSubject for the list of possible values)
String friendGroupId if the request is to add this node to friends, this field contains ID of the corresponding group of friends on the remote node
String message optional message to the node admin


A remote node has blocked this node.

Type Field Comment
String blockedOperation operation that is blocked (see BlockedOperation for the list of possible values)
String postingId ID of the posting, where the node is blocked; null or absent, if the node is blocked globally
String postingHeading heading of the posting, where the node is blocked; may be absent
timestamp deadline unblocking timestamp - the real time when the node will be unblocked; null or absent, if the node is blocked permanently
String reason reason of blocking, may be absent


A remote node has unblocked this node.

Type Field Comment
String blockedOperation operation that is unblocked (see BlockedOperation for the list of possible values)
String postingId ID of the posting, where the node was blocked; null or absent, if the node was blocked globally
String postingHeading heading of the posting, where the node was blocked; may be absent


Reaction added to a comment owned by the receiver.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String ownerName name of the reaction owner
String ownerFullName full name of the reaction owner
String ownerGender gender of the reaction owner
AvatarImage ownerAvatar avatar of the reaction owner
boolean negative true, if the reaction is negative, false, if positive
int emoji reaction code, usually interpreted by clients as emoji code point
String postingNodeName posting owner's node name
String postingFullName posting owner's full name
String postingGender posting owner's gender
AvatarImage postingAvatar posting owner's avatar
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String commentHeading heading of the comment


Reaction deleted from a comment owned by the receiver.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String ownerName name of the reaction owner
String ownerFullName full name of the reaction owner
String ownerGender gender of the reaction owner
AvatarImage ownerAvatar avatar of the reaction owner
boolean negative true, if the reaction is negative, false, if positive


All reactions deleted from a comment owned by the receiver.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node


The set of administrative permissions granted by the sending node to this node has been updated.

Type Field Comment
String[] scope the updated set of permissions (see Scope for the list of possible values)


A mention of the receiver in a comment on the sending node added.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String postingOwnerName name of the posting's owner
String postingOwnerFullName full name of the posting's owner
String postingOwnerGender gender of the posting's owner
AvatarImage postingOwnerAvatar avatar of the posting's owner
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String[] postingSheriffs list of sheriffs supervising the posting
SheriffMark[] postingSheriffMarks list of sheriff marks on the posting
String commentOwnerName name of the comment's owner
String commentOwnerFullName full name of the comment's owner
String commentOwnerGender gender of the comment's owner
AvatarImage commentOwnerAvatar avatar of the comment's owner
String commentHeading heading of the comment
SheriffMark[] commentSheriffMarks list of sheriff marks on the comment


A mention of the receiver in a comment on the sending node deleted.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node


A mention of the receiver in a posting on the sending node added.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String ownerName name of the posting's owner
String ownerFullName full name of the posting's owner
String ownerGender gender of the posting's owner
AvatarImage ownerAvatar avatar of the posting's owner
String heading heading of the posting
String[] sheriffs list of sheriffs supervising the posting
SheriffMark[] sheriffMarks list of sheriff marks on the posting


A mention of the receiver in a posting on the sending node deleted.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node


A comment added to the posting the receiver is subscribed to.

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String postingOwnerName name of the posting owner
String postingOwnerFullName full name of the posting owner
String postingOwnerGender gender of the posting owner
AvatarImage postingOwnerAvatar avatar of the posting owner
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String[] postingSheriffs list of sheriffs supervising the posting
SheriffMark[] postingSheriffMarks list of sheriff marks on the posting
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String commentOwnerName name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerFullName full name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerGender gender of the comment owner
AvatarImage commentOwnerAvatar avatar of the comment owner
String commentHeading heading of the comment
SheriffMark[] commentSheriffMarks list of sheriff marks on the comment
String commentRepliedTo ID of the comment on the sending node this comment replies to


A comment deleted from the posting the receiver is subscribed to.

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String commentOwnerName name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerFullName full name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerGender gender of the comment owner
AvatarImage commentOwnerAvatar avatar of the comment owner


Comments have been updated at the posting the receiver is subscribed to.

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
int total updated total number of comments to the posting


Posting the receiver is subscribed to has been deleted.

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node


An important update was done to the posting the receiver is subscribed to (subscription to comments is enough).

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String postingOwnerName name of the posting owner
String postingOwnerFullName full name of the posting owner
String postingOwnerGender gender of the posting owner
AvatarImage postingOwnerAvatar avatar of the posting owner
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String description description of the update


Reaction added to a posting owned by the receiver.

Type Field Comment
String parentPostingId ID of the posting containing the media or containing the comment that contains the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media)
String parentCommentId ID of the comment containing the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media attached to a comment)
String parentMediaId ID of the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media)
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String ownerName name of the reaction owner
String ownerFullName full name of the reaction owner
String ownerGender gender of the reaction owner
AvatarImage ownerAvatar avatar of the reaction owner
boolean negative true, if the reaction is negative, false, if positive
int emoji reaction code, usually interpreted by clients as emoji code point
String parentPostingNodeName parent's owner node name (see parentPostingId and parentCommentId above)
String parentPostingFullName parent's owner full name (see parentPostingId and parentCommentId above)
String parentPostingGender parent's owner gender (see parentPostingId and parentCommentId above)
AvatarImage parentPostingAvatar parent's owner avatar (see parentPostingId and parentCommentId above)
String parentHeading heading of the parent (see parentPostingId and parentCommentId above)
String postingHeading heading of the posting


Reaction deleted from a posting owned by the receiver.

Type Field Comment
String parentPostingId ID of the posting containing the media or containing the comment that contains the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media)
String parentCommentId ID of the comment containing the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media attached to a comment)
String parentMediaId ID of the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media)
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String ownerName name of the reaction owner
String ownerFullName full name of the reaction owner
String ownerGender gender of the reaction owner
AvatarImage ownerAvatar avatar of the reaction owner
boolean negative true, if the reaction is negative, false, if positive


Deleted all reactions from a posting owned by the receiver.

Type Field Comment
String parentPostingId ID of the posting containing the media or containing the comment that contains the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media)
String parentCommentId ID of the comment containing the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media attached to a comment)
String parentMediaId ID of the media linked to the posting in question (present only if the posting in question is linked to a media)
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node


Reactions have been updated at the posting the receiver is subscribed to.

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
ReactionTotalsInfo totals updated reaction totals of the posting


Posting the receiver is subscribed to has been updated.

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node


Sender's profile the receiver is subscribed to has been updated.

Type Field Comment
String subscriberId subscriber ID of the receiving node on the sending node


A reply to a comment of the receiver on the sending node added.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String repliedToId ID of the comment on the sending node that is replied to
String postingOwnerName name of the posting owner
String postingOwnerFullName full name of the posting owner
String postingOwnerGender gender of the posting owner
AvatarImage postingOwnerAvatar avatar of the posting owner
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String[] postingSheriffs list of sheriffs supervising the posting
SheriffMark[] postingSheriffMarks list of sheriff marks on the posting
String commentOwnerName name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerFullName full name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerGender gender of the comment owner
AvatarImage commentOwnerAvatar avatar of the comment owner
String commentHeading heading of the comment
SheriffMark[] commentSheriffMarks list of sheriff marks on the comment
String repliedToHeading heading of the comment that is replied to


A reply to a comment of the receiver on the sending node deleted.

Type Field Comment
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String repliedToId ID of the comment on the sending node that is replied to
String commentOwnerName name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerFullName full name of the comment owner
String commentOwnerGender gender of the comment owner
AvatarImage commentOwnerAvatar avatar of the comment owner


The receiver's posting/comment/media has been visited on the sending node from a search engine.

Type Field Comment
String searchEngine the search engine (see SearchEngine for the list of possible values)
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node
String commentId ID of the comment on the sending node
String mediaId ID of the media on the sending node
String heading heading of the posting/comment/media
timestamp clickedAt the real time when the posting/comment/media was visited


The sheriff made a decision on the receiver's complaint

Type Field Comment
String remoteNodeName name of the node the complaint is related to
String remoteFeedName name of the feed the complaint is related to
String postingOwnerName posting owner's node name
String postingOwnerFullName posting owner's full name
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String postingId ID of the posting the complaint is related to
String commentOwnerName comment owner's node name
String commentOwnerFullName comment owner's full name
String commentHeading heading of the comment
String commentId ID of the comment the complaint is related to
String complaintGroupId ID of the group of complaints the complaint was included into


The sending node got a sheriff's order related to the receiver's comment

Type Field Comment
String remoteNodeName name of the node the order was sent to
String remoteFeedName name of the feed the order is related to
String postingOwnerName posting owner's node name
String postingOwnerFullName posting owner's full name
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String postingId ID of the posting the order is related to
String commentHeading heading of the comment
String commentId ID of the comment the order is related to
String orderId ID of the order


The sending node got a cancellation of a sheriff's order related to the receiver's comment

Type Field Comment
String remoteNodeName name of the node the order was sent to
String remoteFeedName name of the feed the order is related to
String postingOwnerName posting owner's node name
String postingOwnerFullName posting owner's full name
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String postingId ID of the posting the order is related to
String commentHeading heading of the comment
String commentId ID of the comment the order is related to
String orderId ID of the order


The sending node got a sheriff's order related to the receiver's posting

Type Field Comment
String remoteNodeName name of the node the order was sent to
String remoteFeedName name of the feed the order is related to
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String postingId ID of the posting the order is related to
String orderId ID of the order


The sending node got a cancellation of a sheriff's order related to the receiver's posting

Type Field Comment
String remoteNodeName name of the node the order was sent to
String remoteFeedName name of the feed the order is related to
String postingHeading heading of the posting
String postingId ID of the posting the order is related to
String orderId ID of the order


A new story has been added to a feed the receiver is subscribed to.

Type Field Comment
String storyId ID of the story on the sending node
String feedName name of the feed on the sending node
String storyType type of the story (see StoryType for the list of possible values)
String postingId ID of the posting on the sending node, if the story is related to a posting


A node was added to a user list the receiver is subscribed to

Type Field Comment
String listName name of the user list
String nodeName name of the node


A node was deleted from a user list the receiver is subscribed to

Type Field Comment
String listName name of the user list
String nodeName name of the node