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Push Relay API

Many services for delivering push messages to mobile devices are not designed for decentralized networks. They require the mobile application to be bound to an account on the service and a single server to send messages to this account. To work around this limitation, the Moera network uses dedicated Push Relay servers that accept push messages from nodes and route them to their clients. Each node should provide a token it got from the client that confirms that the node has the right to send notifications to the client. Nodes authenticate on the relay using short-living tokens signed with the node's signing key.

Moera Push Relay API is based on JSON-RPC protocol. Until the API is stabilized, it may be changed in various ways and backward compatibility is not guaranteed.

timestamp below is the number of seconds that passed since 01-01-1970 00:00:00 in UTC timezone.


register(clientId, nodeName, lang, signedAt, signature)

Register a client to receive messages from the specified node. The client will be unregistered automatically if the relay gets an error from the push service indicating that the client cannot receive messages anymore.

String clientId – ID/token of the target client to receive messages
String nodeName – name of the node that will send messages
String lang – language of the messages (use standard language codes, like "en_US" or "uk")
timestamp signedAt – timestamp of the signature, the signature will be valid 2 minutes after the time specified
byte[] signature – the signature (use PushRelayRegister fingerprint)

feedStatus(feedName, notViewed, notViewedMoment, nodeName, signedAt, signature)

Send a message to node's clients about number of new stories in a feed.

String feedName – name of the feed
int notViewed – number of stories that have not been viewed yet
int notViewedMoment – moment of the oldest non-viewed story
String nodeName – name of the node that is sending the message
timestamp signedAt – timestamp of the signature, the signature will be valid 2 minutes after the time specified
byte[] signature – the signature (use PushRelayMessage fingerprint)

storyAdded(story, nodeName, signedAt, signature)

Send a message to node's clients about a new story.

StoryInfo story – the story
String nodeName – name of the node that is sending the message
timestamp signedAt – timestamp of the signature, the signature will be valid 2 minutes after the time specified
byte[] signature – the signature (use PushRelayMessage fingerprint)

storyDeleted(storyId, nodeName, signedAt, signature)

Send a message to node's clients about deleting a story.

String storyId – ID of the story
String nodeName – name of the node that is sending the message
timestamp signedAt – timestamp of the signature, the signature will be valid 2 minutes after the time specified
byte[] signature – the signature (use PushRelayMessage fingerprint)


PushRelayRegister, version 0

Type Field Comment
String clientId
String lang
timestamp signedAt of the current revision

PushRelayMessage, version 0

Type Field Comment
String objectType PUSH_RELAY_MESSAGE
timestamp signedAt of the current revision

Error codes

Code Name Description
1 client-id.empty clientId is empty
2 client-id.too-long clientId is too long
3 node-name.empty nodeName is empty
4 node-name.unknown nodeName is unknown
5 lang.too-long lang is too long
6 node.no-clients the node has no clients (the node should stop sending messages for them)
7 story.empty story is empty
8 story.invalid story format is invalid
9 story.type-unknown story.storyType is unknown
10 story-id.empty storyId is empty
11 signed-at.empty signedAt is empty
12 signed-at.too-old signedAt is too old
13 signature.empty signature is empty
14 signature.incorrect signature is incorrect