Logo Decentralized Social Network

TypeScript Library

moeralib (GitHub) is a library that allows TypeScript (or JavaScript) applications for Node.js to easily interact with the Moera network.

The easiest way to install the library is from npm repository:

npm install moeralib

Naming API

moeralib/naming module contains classes and routines for interacting with Moera naming service. To access a naming server, create MoeraNaming class and pass the naming server URL in the parameters. There are constants for two well-known servers: MAIN_NAMING_SERVER and DEV_NAMING_SERVER. The first one is used by default by MoeraNaming.

import { MoeraNaming, DEV_NAMING_SERVER } from 'moeralib/naming';

const naming = new MoeraNaming(DEV_NAMING_SERVER);
const info = naming.getCurrent('balu-dev', 0);

A shortcut function resolve() simplifies resolving of names.

import { resolve, DEV_NAMING_SERVER } from 'moeralib/naming'; 

console.log(resolve('balu-dev_0', DEV_NAMING_SERVER));

Node API

moeralib/node module contains classes and routines for accessing Moera nodes. Just create MoeraNode class with the URL of the node, and call the methods you need.

import { resolve } from 'moeralib/naming';
import { MoeraNode } from 'moeralib/node'; 

const node = new MoeraNode(resolve('Alice'));

The library automatically parses JSON structures coming from the node and converts them to JavaScript objects. The corresponding types are defined in moeralib/naming/types and moeralib/node/types submodules.

const attrs: DomainAttributes = {
    name: 'dave.moera.club',
    nodeId: DAVE_NODE_ID


Read more about authentication in the Node API reference.

To perform an authenticated request, you need to put the root secret, token, or carte into MoeraNode and activate the corresponding authentication mode. Use rootSecret(), token(), and carte() methods to set the root secret, token, and carte correspondingly. The authentication mode is activated by generic authMethod(), or by shortcut methods noAuth(), auth(), authAdmin(), authRootAdmin(). After that, all API requests will be authenticated with the selected method, if needed. You can switch to a different method at any time.

import { resolve } from 'moeralib/naming';
import { MoeraNode } from 'moeralib/node';

const node = new MoeraNode(resolve('Alice'));

Managing cartes

MoeraCarteSource class simplifies managing authentication cartes. It obtains cartes from a home node, caches them, supplies valid cartes for authentication, and requests new ones when old ones expire.

import { resolve } from 'moeralib/naming';
import { MoeraCarteSource, MoeraNode } from 'moeralib/node';

const home = new MoeraNode(resolve('Alice'));

const node = new MoeraNode(resolve('Bob'));
node.carteSource(new MoeraCarteSource(home));
const slice = node.getFeedSlice('timeline');
for (const story of slice.stories) {
    if (story.posting != null) {
        console.log(story.posting.operations.view, story.posting.heading);

Generating cartes

generateCarte() function generates a carte with the given parameters and signs it with the provided private signing key.

import { rawToPrivateKey } from 'moeralib/crypto';
import { generateCarte } from 'moeralib/node';

signingKey = rawToPrivateKey(
    Buffer.from('72d0817beaf1800c5448841e490139b680f134a56e140bdb4f33aeb2c43e3c48', 'hex')
carte = generateCarte('app0_0', signingKey, Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), {nodeName: 'Alice'});

Universal URLs

moeralib/universal-location module contains classes and routines for creating and parsing Moera universal URLs.

To parse a universal URL, pass it to parse() function. It returns a UniversalLocation instance containing the result of parsing.

import { parse } from 'moeralib/universal-location';

const uni = parse('https://moera.page/@Alice/alice.moera.blog/post/69a403ef-b72d-43e0-967e-eab5e8dce9d3');
console.log(uni.nodeName, uni.authority, uni.path, uni.toString());

To build a universal URL from parts, use redirectTo() function.

import { redirectTo } from 'moeralib/universal-location';


redirectToUrl() function converts URL of a page on a node to a corresponding universal URL.

import { redirectToUrl } from 'moeralib/universal-location';
