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OAuth2 is a secure authorization framework that lets third-party applications obtain tokens to access user data.

To use a standard OAuth2 flow, an application must first register with the target service. After registration, the application receives a client ID and client secret, which are later used for authorization.

In Moera, this process is simplified by registering a name in the Moera naming service. The registered name becomes the application’s client ID, and a carte, signed with the private signing key, serves as the client secret.

After the target node’s owner authorizes the application, the node adds the application’s name to a list of names with special privileges. The application doesn’t need an additional token to use these privileges. Instead, the application authenticates as usual using a carte and sets the adminScope field in the carte to indicate the privileges it intends to use.

Here is the Moera OAuth2 flow:

  1. The application registers a name with the Moera naming service.
  2. The application generates a carte for authentication on the target node, with clientScope field containing grant.
  3. The application redirects the user to https://moera.page/@/~/grant with the following query parameters:
    • client_id= the application’s registered name;
    • client_secret= the carte generated in step 2;
    • scope= a comma- or space-separated list of privileges the application is requesting;
    • redirect_uri= the URL to redirect to after successful authorization (see step 6).
  4. The Moera client validates the request and prompts the user to authorize the application, showing its name and the requested privileges.
  5. If the user confirms, the Moera client sends a request to the user’s home node to record the application’s new privileges.
  6. Upon a successful response from the node, the Moera client redirects the user to the redirect_uri. If no URL is provided, the client informs the user that the process is complete and that the page can be closed.